i2i is happy to announce two new team members, who will further increase the reach of i2i, in particular in Latin America and Africa:
Francesco Giammanco is a retired Professor of General Physics at Dpt. of Physics of University of Pisa, Italy, where he still leads the group “Collective Phenomena in Plasmas”. He is currently visiting Professor at the Institute of Renewable Energies of UNAM, Cuernavaca, Mexico.

His fields of interest span from Plasma Physics (diagnostics, theory and experiment), Nonlinear Optics, Laser produced nanoparticles and Plasma diagnostics (e.g. Spectroscopy, interferometry). He is author of about 150 papers in International Journals and Books. h index: 20, hi10: 35 (Google Scholar).
Aquinas Wasike, based in Kenya, is a business leader, co-founder of a leading System Integrator in Africa. Most of his career has been in the ICT sector and related areas spanning over 29 years in areas like technical support, pre-sales, sales and marketing and finally management roles. Aquinas has been instrumental in developing and bringing to market innovative solutions in networking and communications systems applications in Kenya and the East African region.

Aquinas holds a Master of Science (MSc, Management & Information Systems) from the University of Manchester (United Kingdom) aside from extensive on the job training programmes in his field of work in areas like systems design, database systems, programming, project management, computer networking and communications.